Male Masturbator Buyer Guide

Exploring the Different Types of Male Masturbators

Male masturbator is a male sexual health product used to satisfy male sexual desire. With the development of technology, more and more male masturbators are emerging, from different types and motion mechanisms to appearance, materials and styles, the selectivity and availability of male masturbators are expanding. The purpose of this article is to provide an overview of the different types of male masturbators on the market, as well as their features and functions, to provide more men with attentive all-round service and guidance, so that men can engage in a better masturbation experience.

First of all, there are three main types of male masturbators on the market by function: airplane cups, simulators, and vibrators. The oldest male masturbator is the airplane cup, which is the same shape as a model airplane, with bubbles and vibration waves inside, imitating the feeling of oral sex, allowing men to experience a more realistic masturbation experience. Simulators are generally similar to a real-life private parts, there are a bunch of massage rooms, soft imitation of real flesh feeling, sex appliances are often equipped with real private parts. The last is the vibrator, this male masturbator electric vibration, there are a variety of functions to choose from, can be adjusted as needed, can give men a more shocking sex visual and tactile impact.

Next is the classification by appearance and material. Appearance, the most popular male masturbator on the market is the “physical series”, which mainly uses silicone film, 3D appearance like a real human body, the surface of the non-foreign body feel comfortable, it can not only bring men a real sexual experience, more able to meet the male psyche. Another category is the “three-dimensional shape series”, in addition to stand up and put, 3D appearance is as real as possible, in addition to some cool visual effects, will definitely allow men to experience a full sense of pleasure. The last category is the “sports series”, they have three grinding round rod, can pinch the handle and other special institutions, you can adjust the handle flexibility, you can adjust the speed and feel according to the curve of the ups and downs.

Finally, look at the taste of male masturbators, from the physical series and three-dimensional series, they are mostly made of silicone film, the surface is free of foreign objects to form four layers of protection, can be a perfect copy of the real male taste pair, the surface of the film can be kept at room temperature, to provide the most comfortable tactile experience; while the sports series is made of plastic, the movement mechanism neat, simple appearance, hold in the hands of a high cost performance, is the entry-level diarrhea of the second choice.

These are the different types of male masturbators on the market, each with its own characteristics, but in the use of health, each time after use to thoroughly disinfect and clean to ensure safe use. In addition, different sex appliances have different uses, there are different ways to use to achieve the best results, so pay attention to your own actual situation when selecting, on the basis of a better understanding of their own, to be able to select a male masturbator more in line with their own habits, to maximize its effectiveness.

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