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How to Remove the Nubs From A Sex Doll Torso?

The body of a sex torso doll usually has a raised plastic or rubber part to connect the lower part of the head to the upper portion of the body called the “NUB”, which usually acts as an attachment point for the head and upper part of the body. Sometimes, you may not be able to fully attach the head to the body when the NUB is having trouble working. This will result in the head not working properly.

This situation may arise at some point in the future, and if you find yourself in such a situation, you will need to know how to properly remove the NUB so that the head and body of the sex torso doll will be perfectly attached to one another. As we will explain in this article, we will guide you on how to get rid of the NUB.

In order to accomplish this task, you will need to have a screwdriver, a small hammer, scissors, and a file ready before you begin to work. Please ensure that you clean your tools before handling the doll torso so that you don’t damage the surface.

Afterwards, you should ensure that the head and body of the sex doll torso are in a safe and proper condition to avoid any potential damage to them.

In order to continue removing the NUB, you will now need to remove the screws. It is important to begin by gently grasping the NUB with your fingers and then pulling firmly to pull it out completely from its place on the bolt. When you have a difficult time pulling out the NUB, you can try using a screwdriver, a small hammer, or a file to scrape along the edge of the NUB to loosen it, and then remove it with a screwdriver.

It is important to note, however, that you must be very careful while removing the plug from the sex doll torso in order not to damage or scratch the surface of the sex doll torso’s head or body during the process.

The next step is to use scissors so you can cut and flatten the edges of the NUB so that you can use the edges in the future, when it comes time to install a new NUB on your sex doll torso, simply by cutting and flattening the edges.

In order to ensure that the nub will fit properly between the head and body of the sex doll torso, you will also need a screwdriver to install one between the head and body of the sex doll torso in order for it to be properly attached.

There are detailed instructions on how to remove the NUB between the head and body of the sex doll torso, including a picture showing how to do it properly. There is no need to worry if you are careful enough about removing the NUB, and this should allow you to connect the head and the body of the sex doll torso together just perfectly if you are careful enough.

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