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Is Silicone or TPE A Better Sex Doll Torso Material?

This material is known as TPE (Thermoplastic Elastomer), and it is among the most commonly used materials in the production of pleasure products today. These materials are commonly used for the sex doll torsos, being used both in the production of pleasure products and in the production of pleasure toys. Users of pleasure products, who buy pleasure products for personal use, may find it confusing which material is better for a sex doll torso’s body, whether it is silicone or TPE.

First of all, let’s take a moment to look at the differences between silicone and thermoplastic elastomers. Basically, silicone is a synthetic material that consists of silicon and chlorine, which is characterized by its higher heat resistance, as well as the lower potential for contamination. Additionally, silicone is smoother and softer to the touch. All of the aspects of its surface and feel are very close to the skin, and this provides a very natural sense of touch for the user of the sex doll torso. Meanwhile, TPE is a synthetic material that is not only a more flexible material than silicone, but it is also easier to handle and create complex shapes with, has a smoother surface than silicone, and has a lower odor when compared with silicone.

In spite of the fact that silicone and TPE both possess their own advantages, what do you think makes them more suitable for use on the bodies of sex doll torsos?

In the first place, silicone is considered to be a much better material than glass for making the body of a sex doll torso since the silicone’s surface is closer to the surface of a human’s skin. Furthermore, silicone materials are also known to be more stable and won’t be affected by the external environment and won’t age even after long-term use, so the user will benefit from a longer lifespan since silicone is less sensitive to external factors.

It should also be clarified that TPE material has its own advantages as well. On one hand, it has greater flexibility than silicone, and on the other hand, it is easier to mold complicated shapes and TPE is smoother than silicone, which can make it feel more natural to the user.

The fact is that silicone and TPE both make excellent choice for the bodies of sex doll torsos, and there are advantages to each of them that are not vastly different from each other, so you just have to choose the material that suits your preferences and needs the best.

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